Monday, May 04, 2009

Jack wearing his favorite article of clothing even though it is finally spring and in the 60's.
This is how I found the boys the other day. I was probably watching tv or on the computer and then realized I hadn't heard them for a while I went searching for them and found them and the floor covered in their brand new shampoo. They thought it was really funny until they tried to walk out and both just kept slipping and falling. In this picture they are actually both crying from falling over and I was on the floor laughing my head off. Oh the joys of motherhood.
Jack after eating ice cream - It was the best thing he had ever tasted!!

Our handsome dudes -
I got them dressed and thought they both looked so cute
so I took their pictures. Man I love these boys.


ucmama said...

love, love, love the chocolate ice cream pic!

Karen said...

you guys just left our house so I went to see the pictures and Im dying laughing...especially the shampoo pic! Thanks for coming over, it was so great hanging out!

Erica Jessop said...

I didn't know you had a blog that is awesome! And that is an awesome pic of him covered in chocolate haha